N-acetylcysteine 300 mg + Chromium Polynicotinate 250 mcg
- Precursor of Glutathione Improves insulin resistance & contributes to the decrease the androgen level.
- Reduces Homocysteine level Significantly improves lipid
- Improve insulin sensitivity
- Improves acne
lnositol- I00mg
- Decrease circulating Insulin and Serum total Testosterone
- Reduces Acne, Weight, Hirsutism & Hyperandrogenism
Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg
- Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Plasma Lipid Profile
- Helps skin to take more Nutrition, remove waste and revitalize damaged skin components
- Prevents AGE formation. Enhances the biosynthesis of new collagen
Zinc Gluconate 30mg
- Zinc had the effect of down regulating IGF-1 and IGF-1R level thereby work efciently against Infiammatory Acne.
- Very safe up to high level less than 75 mg/day even in pregnant women.
- Zinc inhibits Chemotaxis and Tumor Necrosis factor a production, and induces Superoxide Dismutase, besides inhibiting 5 alpha reductase.
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